Do you have a friend or coworker who's ill, injured, or looks like they might be coming downward with something?

Well, whether you want to …

  • ask about their condition
  • wish them a fast recovery
  • tell them to take care
  • offer help
  • welcome them back
  • make them laugh

… Here are 20 popular English expressions that will make them feel better in no fourth dimension!

Enquire About Their Condition

1. Is everything OK?

  • You seem tired today. Is everything OK?
  • You expect pale. Is everything OK?

2. How's your … ?

  • Hi Peter. How's your flu? Are you OK?
  • How'south your ankle? It really sucks that y'all sprained it during the marathon.

iii. How practise yous feel today?

  • How do you experience today? Hopefully amend than yesterday?
  • I heard yous've been sick all week. How do you feel today?

4. … any better?

  • I heard about your back injury. Practise yous experience any ameliorate?
  • How's your cough? Is it getting any better?

Wish Them a Fast Recovery

5. Get well shortly.

"Go well" means to recover, then English-speakers often say "go well soon" to someone who's ill or injured. Just call back to not say information technology to people suffering from long-term or terminal illnesses, since they can't recover presently.

  • Go well before long! Work is no fun without you.
  • Surgery sucks. Get well soon.

half dozen. Feel better.

If someone "feels meliorate," they experience less pain and discomfort. At that place are cases where it makes more than sense to tell someone to "feel meliorate" than to "get well." For example, if someone has arthritis, they may not be able to recover from it, just at that place are many things they could do to make their joints "feel better."

More often than not, feeling better and getting well are related, and so the phrases are often used interchangeably.

vii. Hope … goes abroad soon.

  • Hope the hurting from your surgery goes away soon.
  • I've had acne before and information technology'southward definitely no joke. Hope it goes away shortly.

eight. … a speedy recovery.

9. … soon.

  • Hope you can leave of the hospital soon!
  • Hope you get off your antibiotics soon, and then we can go out for drinks over again!

Remind Them To Take Intendance of Themselves

10. Take care.

  • I'm so sorry to hear that you caught the flu. Promise you experience better soon and accept care!
  • Accept care of yourself. We wouldn't desire your cold to turn into something more serious!

11. Focus on … .

  • Focus on recovering. Don't worry nearly work. We've got you covered.
  • We know you feel bad nigh breaking your leg right before a large game, just for now, simply focus on resting and recovering!

12. … lots/plenty of …

  • Go lots of remainder and drink enough of fluids!
  • Promise you become lots of rest and sleep this calendar week.

xiii. Rest well/upward.

"Remainder well" ways to take a proficient rest, and "rest upwards" ways to rest completely and thoroughly.

  • Information technology's so easy to go sick in your line of work. Remainder upwardly and go ameliorate soon!
  • Remainder well and accept all the time y'all need to recover.

Offer Help

If you think in that location are ways yous might be able to help an sick or injured person, here are some expressions for telling them that.

14. Can I assist yous … ?

Instead of only saying "How tin can I help?" it'south better to say a few concrete things you lot tin can help with.

  • Can I help y'all walk the domestic dog this week at least?
  • Tin I help you pick up the kids from kindergarten?

15. Tin can I get you anything?

  • I'm heading to the grocery store. Tin I get yous anything?
  • Can I become you anything from the chemist's? Similar cough medicine or something for your fever?

16. Let me know if … .

  • Let me know if you lot demand annihilation.
  • Let me know if there's annihilation else I can do.
  • Let me know if you demand me for anything.

Welcome Them Back After Their Recovery

17. Welcome Back!

  • Welcome back! Nosotros missed yous while y'all were out sick!

18. (It'south) Good to accept y'all back!

This expression means that y'all're happy that someone is dorsum in the workplace, the house, the team, etc.

19. (I'm) Glad …

  • I'thousand glad you're feeling ameliorate! You lot sounded really sick over the phone.
  • Glad you're on your feet again and hope y'all never have to go through that again!

20. Take it piece of cake.

  • Take it easy the next few days. We're happy you're back and certainly don't desire you getting sick again!
  • How are you feeling today? Make certain you have it piece of cake and don't push yourself too hard!

Make Them Express mirth

"Laughter is the all-time medicine" as they say. In that spirit, here are a few funny letters you might want to send a friend in demand of some encouraging.

  • Distressing your sick day is due to bodily sickness.
  • Get better before long, so I have someone to hang out with!
  • I approximate the universe is telling you to catch up on some Tv set shows.
  • Apparently, laughter is the best medicine – good thing I'grand hilarious!
  • Yous better become meliorate – I'k sick of you lot being sick!

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