Wamt to Cut Myself So Bad Again

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This booklet aims to assist you understand more than virtually self-harm and what to do if you lot are worried nearly yourself or someone else. It explains what cocky-harm is, what to practise if you or someone yous know is self-harming, and how to get assistance.

All of the information here is based on the findings of the National Inquiry into Self-harm among young people. The Inquiry was carried out past two charities, The Mental Health Foundation and The Camelot Foundation.

The Inquiry panel heard testify from many hundreds of people including immature people who self-impairment, or have self-harmed in the past, and those who work with or care about them. This booklet is based on what they said. For more information about the National Inquiry, and a full list of contributors, see the Truth Hurts written report.

We realise that this does non cover the whole surface area of self-harm, as information technology is based on a report that focusses on self-harm amid young people. For more information on this topic, visit our A-Z page.


Cocky-harm is very common and affects more people than you might think.

10% of young people self-harm [1]

This ways it's probable that at least 2 young people in every secondary school classroom accept self-harmed at some time. [2] If y'all are self-harming, you lot are not alone – lots of information and back up is bachelor.

Think, self-harm isn't a suicide attempt or a cry for attention. However, it can be a fashion for some people to cope with overwhelming and sad thoughts or feelings.  Self-harm should exist taken seriously, whatever the reason behind it.

It is possible to live without cocky-harm. It is important to know that yous won't always experience the way y'all do now.

With the correct aid and back up almost people who self-harm tin can and practise fully recover.

What is self-harm?

Self-impairment describes any behaviour where someone causes harm to themselves, unremarkably every bit a fashion to aid cope with difficult or distressing thoughts and feelings [3]. It almost frequently takes the course of cutting, called-for or not-lethal overdoses. However, it can also be whatsoever behaviour that causes injury - no matter how minor, or loftier-risk behaviours [4].

Basically, any behaviour that that causes harm or injury to someone as a way to deal with difficult emotions can be seen as self-harm.

The self-impairment cycle

Self-damage usually starts as a manner to relieve the build-upwardly of pressure from distressing thoughts and feelings. This might give temporary relief from the emotional pain the person is feeling. It'southward important to know that this relief is only temporary because the underlying reasons still remain. Soon after, feelings of guilt and shame might follow, which tin can continue the cycle. [5]

The self-harm cycle

Because at that place may exist some temporary relief at the showtime, self-harm can become someone's normal way of dealing with life's difficulties. This means that it is of import to talk to someone as early on every bit possible to become the correct support and help. Learning new coping strategies to deal with these difficulties can go far easier to break the cycle of self-impairment in the long term.

Who does it?

There is no such thing as a typical young person who self-harms. Self-harm is something that tin can affect anyone. It's believed that around x% of young people self-harm [vi], but information technology could be as high as 20% [7]. If y'all self-harm, there are a lot of people who likewise know what yous're going through.

Well-nigh young people reported that they started to hurt themselves around the age of 12. [8]

While it is true that anyone can be afflicted past self-impairment, some people are more likely to self-impairment than others because of things that have happened in their lives - where they live, things that are happening with friends, family unit or at schoolhouse, or a combination of these. This ways that some people are more at risk of self-harm than others. Some factors that might make someone more than at chance are:

  • Experience of a mental health disorder. This might include depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and eating disorders. [9, 10]
  • Existence a young person who is not under the care of their parents, or young people who accept left a care home. [11]
  • Being part of the LGBT community. [12]
  • Having been bereaved by suicide. [13]

It is important to recall that although these are risk factors that can brand someone more than likely to cocky-harm, having whatever of these does not mean someone will self-impairment. Similarly, someone who cocky-harms might not feel whatsoever of these. Anyone can be affected.

Why practise people self-harm?

Everyone has different things that crusade stress and worry them. Some people can manage these troubles past talking to friends and family, while others may find these difficulties overwhelming. When we don't express our emotions and talk about the things that make united states of america distressed, aroused or upset, the pressure can build upwardly and become unbearable. Some people turn this in on themselves and use their bodies as a way to express the thoughts and feelings they can't say aloud. People often harm themselves when this all gets too much. If you self-harm, you might detect that when you lot feel angry, distressed, worried or depressed, you lot feel the urge to hurt yourself even more.

Someone's reason to self-harm tin be very unlike from other people who self-harm. Some of the reasons that young people study as triggers or reasons that pb them to self-harm include [14]:

  • difficulties at home
  • arguments or problems with friends
  • schoolhouse pressures
  • bullying
  • depression
  • feet
  • low self-esteem
  • transitions and changes, such as changing schools
  • alcohol and drug utilize.

When a few of these bug come together they can quickly feel overwhelming and go besides much for one person to deal with. As one young person said, many people self-impairment to "get out the hurt, acrimony and hurting" caused past pressures in their lives. They injure themselves considering they didn't know what else to do and didn't feel like they had any other options. Talking to someone y'all trust or a healthcare professional tin can help y'all find other options for coping with the emotional hurting y'all are feeling.

If you are experiencing difficult issues in your life, in that location is support available. Please see the 'Where can I become further help and information?' section of this booklet.

Breaking Down The Myths

There are lots of myths attached to self-harm. This isn't surprising – myths and misunderstandings frequently arise when a problem like self-harm is poorly understood. Negative stereotypes can be powerful. They need to be challenged considering they end people talking about their issues and asking for assistance. These myths also mean that professionals, family and friends tin can misunderstand people who self-harm.

MYTH: 'Cocky-impairment is attention-seeking'

1 of the most common stereotypes is that self-damage is virtually 'attending seeking'. This is not the instance. Many people who self-harm don't talk to anyone about what they are going through for a long time and information technology can be very hard for people to observe plenty courage to enquire for help. [xv]

MYTH: 'Self-impairment is a goth thing'

Self-damage has been stereotyped to be seen every bit part of youth subcultures such as "goth" or "emo". While there is some inquiry suggesting a link, there is no conclusive evidence of this with little or no bear witness supporting the belief that cocky-harm is part of any particular young person subculture.

MYTH: 'Only girls cocky-harm'

It is oftentimes assumed that girls are more likely than boys to cocky-damage, even so it isn't articulate if this is true. [xvi] Boys and girls may engage with unlike cocky-harming behaviours or have different reasons for hurting themselves [17], simply this doesn't make information technology whatsoever less serious.

MYTH: 'People who self-harm must enjoy information technology'

Some people believe that people who self-harm take pleasure in the hurting or risk associated in the behaviour. At that place is no evidence that people who self-harm experience pain differently than anyone else. The harming behaviour frequently causes people great pain. For some, being depressed has left them numb and they want to feel anything to remind them they are alive, fifty-fifty if it hurts. Others have described this hurting every bit punishment. [18]

MYTH: 'People who self-harm are suicidal'

Self-impairment is sometimes viewed every bit a suicide attempt by people who don't understand it. For many people self-harms is about trying to cope with difficult feelings and circumstances. Some people have described it is a way of staying alive and surviving these difficulties. However, some people who self-harm can feel suicidal and might attempt to accept their own life, which is why it must always be taken seriously. [19]

People often link self-impairment to suicide but for me it was something very different; it was my culling to suicide, my way of coping even though sometimes I wished that my world would end.

Getting Help

Should I tell someone?

Aye. Talking to someone is often the first step to getting out of the bicycle.

It isn't an easy thing to exercise and y'all might observe information technology difficult to talk about your self-harm and the reasons behind it. This is normal - lots of young people who self-harm observe asking for help very hard. But it is an important step towards recovery and feeling amend. [20]

Telling someone about your cocky-impairment shows strength and courage; it can often be a huge relief to be able to allow get of such a underground, or at least share it.

Don't exist afraid to ask for help whenever and all the same you lot need to. Talking about your feelings isn't a sign of weakness. It shows that yous are taking accuse of your well-being and doing what yous need to stay healthy. Information technology isn't e'er easy to express how you are feeling. If you tin can't recall of i word to depict a feeling, use as many equally yous need to illustrate how you lot feel.

Talking can exist a style of coping with a problem yous've been carrying effectually in your head for a while. Feeling listened to can assistance you experience more than supported. And it works both means: if you open up upwards it might encourage others to exercise the same.

Who can I talk to?

There are lots of people yous can talk to near what yous are going through. Information technology is important to tell someone you trust and feel comfy with, as they volition be able to aid and back up yous. Young people told united states of america that they take been able to talk to:

  • friends
  • family
  • someone at school, such every bit a trusted instructor, school nurse or pastoral care staff
  • a youth worker
  • their GP or healthcare professionals such equally a counsellor or nurse
  • charities and helplines (some of which are listed beneath).

There are no rules about how you should tell someone. The virtually important thing is that yous experience comfortable and trust the person you lot decide to tell. Set time aside to talk to them. Remember you lot tin can set the stride and information technology is up to you how much yous desire to tell them.

If you detect speaking well-nigh it likewise hard, y'all tin can tell someone in writing or in an electronic mail. You tin even ask a friend to speak to a trusted adult on your behalf.

Let them know you need help with how you are feeling. There is no need to give details about how you accept harmed yourself and you don't need to talk near things you feel uncomfortable talking about. Attempt to focus on the thoughts and feelings behind your cocky-harm rather than the behaviours.

If yous decide to talk to a GP or other health professional, yous tin take a friend or family unit member with you to support you.

Sometimes later on telling someone you may experience worse. That's normal. But remember that once you get over this hurdle at that place is support and assist available.

If yous're worried that when y'all tell someone they won't empathise, or if you have experienced this, try giving them a copy of this booklet or suggest they talk to an skillful in the field to try to empathize more nigh self-harming.

Remember that health professionals, GPs and teachers are familiar with this event and are there to help.

Don't let the fear of a bad reaction put you off seeking the help you demand and deserve. Every bit hard as information technology is to tell someone, sharing will accept the pressure level off you and assistance you get the right support and help available.

What aid is available for me?

There are lots of support services and treatments available when you feel ready to seek help. If yous seek help from your GP, it is likely they will offer you counselling, where a professional will listen and help you lot to work on solutions and strategies to cope with the problems you are dealing with.

Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) focus on building coping strategies and problem-solving skills and accept been constitute to be very constructive in helping to reduce self-damage [21].

Other forms of counselling, like psychodynamic therapy, for instance, will assistance y'all to identify the issues that are causing you distress and leading y'all to self-damage [22]. Information technology is important that you talk to your GP or a trusted health professional who will help determine the best treatment choice for you.

In that location are as well a number of charities and self-help groups throughout the Uk that can support yous through this experience. People who take self-harmed accept said that it tin exist helpful to hear from other immature people who accept experienced cocky-harm. More than information about these sources of support is available at the end of this booklet.

I feel a lot more confident. I've learned to be more open up about my feelings and been able to motility on. I felt that, without them knowing, I was being held back. I've been able to come out of myself and explain what I do, and brand sense of it, not keep having to prevarication and cover up what I did. I no longer feel ashamed every bit I know people are supporting me.


It'southward important to call up that y'all won't always experience the way y'all exercise now. The problems that are causing you to self-harm tin can, with aid and support, get more manageable over time or fifty-fifty go away. Things tin and practise get ameliorate!

Take fourth dimension and exist patient with yourself. Recovery doesn't happen overnight - it can be a slow procedure. Start to learn how to intendance for yourself.

Young people who take recovered from self-harm say that changes over time and changes in circumstances in life (for case moving home, irresolute schools, finishing exams, going to academy, irresolute jobs or changed financial circumstances) helped them to recover. One time one or 2 of the master factors that were causing them to self-harm (such as their family situation, or bullying at school) were removed, they felt they didn't have to utilize self-harm as a coping strategy.

Others explained that recovery was about finding new coping strategies and more helpful ways of dealing with emotions or distress. This is as well an important factor towards recovery from self-harm. [23, 24]

Information technology dawned on me that continually harming myself was not allowing me to grow; it was just proving that I was still hither and I could feel. But wasn't letting me push things forward, and unless I stopped doing that, I would be in the same situation forever.

How tin I end harming myself?

Asking for help and having support is very important if yous are trying to end self-harming. It is important that you practise this when you feel ready to talk about information technology. Information technology doesn't thing who you talk to, as long as information technology'due south someone yous trust and experience comfortable with. Talking to someone is what is important. You don't have to feel that you need to deal with this on your own. For young people used to carrying burdens on their own, it tin be difficult to receive back up. Office of recovery is trusting people enough to let them assist y'all.

Talking to someone yous trust can help you notice why y'all self-harm and help to find new means to cope with difficulties [25]. Finding out what makes you happy, sad, angry, isolated, vulnerable or strong tin help you develop other means of dealing with these feelings. Counselling is a proficient way of exploring these thoughts and feelings and is available through your GP.

Other young people who have self-harmed take found 'lark techniques' to be a very useful strategy to reduce or stop cocky-harming. These techniques discover a release for the emotional pressure yous experience without the demand to harm.

If you feel the need to harm yourself, effort to give yourself a goal of getting through the side by side ten minutes without doing so.

Distraction Techniques

When yous feel the urge to cocky-impairment, distraction techniques tin be a useful way to 'ride the wave' of emotion and overcome the urge to damage yourself. [26]

Young people shared their virtually helpful ones with us:

  • Write down thoughts and feelings that are sorry yous; crumple the page upwardly, rip it apart and throw them out as a way to let get of that thought.
  • Get some play-dough: stretch it or squeeze it to relieve tension.
  • Hit a pillow or cushion to vent your anger and frustration.
  • Accept a good scream into a pillow or cushion.
  • Take a minute and breathe or meditate.
  • Go for a walk to take yourself away from triggers. Existence in a public identify gives yous the time and space to reduce the urge to hurt yourself.
  • Make lots of racket, either with a musical instrument or merely banging on pots and pans.
  • Scribble on a large piece of paper with a red crayon or pen.
  • Call a friend or family unit member and talk to them. This doesn't have to be about self-harm.
  • Do something creative: make a collage of colours to represent your mood or to remind you of your favourite things.
  • Listen to music you like or spotter a moving picture you bask.
  • Go online and look at self-assistance websites.
  • Talk to someone nearly what is triggering y'all or seek help from a professional.

I've tried and then many lark techniques – from writing downwardly my thoughts, hitting a pillow, listening to music, writing down pros and cons. But the most helpful to my recovery was the five minutes dominion, where if yous feel like you lot want to self-harm, you wait for five minutes earlier you do it, so come across if you can go another 5 minutes, and so on till somewhen the feeling that you need to is over.

Tips For Looking Subsequently Yourself

Keeping rubber

Self-harm is non a positive way to deal with things. However if yous are self-harming it can exist difficult to stop, especially when you feel distressed or upset. If you don't experience you can stop right now, it is important that you practice keep yourself safe.

Wounds and injuries of whatsoever type can exist unsafe and carry the risk of infection, which can be serious, so they demand to be looked after. If y'all have serious injury, feel unwell or experience that you lot are going into shock (fast animate, racing heart, feeling faint or panicked) y'all should seek help immediately. If y'all find yourself in this situation, find a trusted adult or friend who can get you lot the medical attention you need. This doesn't hateful you have to discuss your cocky-harm with them (although information technology may help); it is about assuasive someone to back up you medically in a moment of crisis. [27]

Many people stop pain themselves when the time is correct for them. Everyone is different and if they feel the need to self-harm at the moment, they shouldn't feel guilty about it – information technology is a manner of surviving, and doing information technology now does NOT mean that they volition need to do it forever. Information technology is a huge step towards stopping when they begin to talk about it, because it means that they are starting to think virtually what might have its place eventually.

Brand a 'condom box'

Y'all can create a rubber box to assist y'all through times when y'all feel overwhelmed past emotion and take the urge to harm yourself. Fill up it with things that brand you happy and at-home, to help yous to become through this feeling. Some suggestions: activities such as crosswords, your favourite book, CD or movie. You could likewise include a list of things to do that make you at-home when you are feeling triggered.

Talk to someone

When yous are feeling overwhelmed, talk to a friend, family member or trusted developed. Let them know what you are thinking. This can help salvage the pressure that you are feeling. Make a list of people you tin talk to at these times and continue information technology somewhere safe. Knowing who y'all can talk to in times of crisis at 3am, weekends or when you are at schoolhouse can make it easier to ask for help when you need it. Add together these to your condom box. This will remind you lot that you are not lone and there are people you tin can talk to when you need to.

Avoid alcohol and drugs

Nosotros often potable booze or take drugs to alter our mood or to avoid our feelings. Some people drink to bargain with fear or loneliness, merely similar cocky-harm the outcome is simply temporary and tin can end up making you feel worse. [28] Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows down encephalon activity. This changes how you think and feel, then can increase feelings of anxiety and depression. When it wears off y'all can cease up feeling worse because of the effects it has on your brain and your body. [29]

Drinking alcohol or taking drugs can get out you lot feeling depressed or anxious, and tin can lower your inhibitions physically, which can lead y'all dorsum to harming yourself. Visit www.drinkaware.co.uk for more information.

Do something you enjoy

Remember that at that place is more to you lot than cocky-harm. Practice things that remind y'all of this and brand you happy. Maybe this is a sport, or a hobby you similar doing such as writing.

Doing things that you lot relish and makes you feel happy, helps you look subsequently your mental health. It helps to improve your self-esteem and can help you remember that you are important and have value.[30]

Don't be also hard on yourself

Many immature people who self-harm tin can be perfectionists and loftier achievers [31]. You might put pressure on yourself to do things in a certain fashion, or feel that goose egg you do is skilful plenty.

Endeavor to non be and then difficult on yourself virtually not getting things perfect. Recovery is virtually knowing that information technology is okay for your piece of work or performance to be 'good plenty'.

I am worried about someone else

If yous are worried that someone you know is cocky-harming, it is of import to know what to look out for and what to exercise. Below is some information to help you.

Signs to Look Out For

It can be difficult to tell whether someone is self-harming. Here are some signs that might suggest someone could be self-harming [32]:

  • Withdrawal or isolation from everyday life.
  • Signs of low such as low mood, tearfulness or a lack of motivation or interest in anything.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Changes in eating/sleeping habits.
  • Changes in activity and mood, eastward.yard. more aggressive than usual.
  • Talking about self-harming or suicide.
  • Abusing drugs or alcohol.
  • Expressing feelings of failure, uselessness or loss of hope.
  • Risk taking behaviour (substance misuse, unprotected sexual acts).
  • Signs of low cocky-esteem such as blaming themselves for whatever problems or saying they are not good enough.
  • Unexplained cuts, bruises or marks.
  • Covering up all the time, when in hot weather.
  • Beingness quieter than usual.
  • Lacking free energy.

Information technology is important to know that these may be a sign of other things and don't always hateful someone is self-harming. Also, there may be no warning signs at all. It is therefore important that if you doubtable someone you know is self-harming, that y'all inquire them openly and honestly.

What to do if you are worried about someone

If you lot are worried that someone you know is self-harming, it tin be hard to know what to do. When yous are enlightened there is an event, information technology is of import that you do non wait. Waiting and hoping they will come up to you lot for aid might lose valuable time in getting them the best support and treatment to help them [33].

Be mindful that they might not feel fix or able to talk about their cocky-harm. Allow them atomic number 82 the give-and-take at their own pace and don't put pressure on them to tell y'all details that they aren't prepare to talk about. It takes a lot of trust and courage to open upward most self-harm. You lot might exist the outset person they have been able to talk to about this.

Some tips for talking to someone near cocky-harm [34]:

  • Gear up plenty of time aside to talk to them where you will be free from interruption. If you don't take time at that detail moment, make sure to put fourth dimension later in the day when you can mind to them.
  • If possible, remove distractions such as computers and phones being on. This volition permit you to give your full attending, letting them know you are there to listen to and support them.
  • Acknowledge how difficult information technology might exist to open upward about their self-harm but don't focus on or encourage them to tell you details about specific injuries or behaviours. Instead talk near how they are feeling and what they are going through.
  • Endeavor not to react shocked or disgusted. This can exist hard as it's difficult to sympathise why someone would impairment themselves, merely negative reactions can injure the other person and may put them off talking to y'all.
  • Know your limits: the person who has experienced self-damage might tell you to proceed it a secret and non to tell anyone else. If you believe they are in immediate danger or have injuries that need medical attention, you lot need to accept action to make sure they are safe.
  • Reassure them that you are in that location for them and that at that place are lots of sources of support bachelor to them. You might not understand what they are going through or why they practice it but remind them y'all are there for them regardless.
  • Avoid giving ultimatums; for example 'stop or else…' equally these rarely work, and may bulldoze behaviours hole-and-corner. Furthermore, this may cease them talking to you and you might not get the chance to hash out the topic again.
  • Offering them aid in seeking professional support and provide information on means to exercise this. You might want to offer to become the GP with them, or help them talk to a trusted developed or family member. Try not to take control and allow them to brand decisions.
  • Exist positive and let them know that things volition get amend and recovery is possible!

If it is a family member or close friend you are concerned about, they might non want to talk to you. Try non to have this personally: telling someone y'all love well-nigh cocky-harm can exist difficult equally you are close to them and they might be worried they are hurting you lot.

Whether you arroyo someone y'all are worried almost, or someone opens up to yous near their self-damage, it is of import that you reply in a non-judgemental, caring and respectful fashion. This can be hard when you run across that someone is in distress, and it tin be difficult to sympathize why someone would hurt themselves, notwithstanding you should effort to see the person and reasons they have harmed themselves rather than focusing on the behaviours.

Further Help, Information and Support

If you are worried about the immediate well-being of yourself or someone else yous should phone call 999 or go straight to A & East. For non-emergency aid you lot should talk to your GP or contact 111 or NHS Straight on 08454647.

You can also get more data or support through the websites below:

SelfHarm.co.uk – world wide web.selfharm.co.uk

selfharmUK is a projection dedicated to supporting immature people impacted past self-harm, providing a prophylactic space to talk, ask any questions and be honest virtually what's going on in your life. These pages will tell you a bit virtually u.s. as well as pointing you in the right management if you need to contact us or find out more about our policies and procedures.

Immature Minds - www.youngminds.org.uk

YoungMinds is the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland's leading clemency committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental wellness of children and young people. Driven by their experiences nosotros campaign, research and influence policy and practice.

Some websites that have been recommended to us past young people include:

  • www.lifesigns.org.britain
  • www.childline.org.united kingdom
  • www.selfharm.org.uk
  • www.youngminds.org.uk
  • www.b-swallow.co.britain
  • www.samaritans.org.uk
  • www.harmless.org.uk

Some phone helplines offer specialist communication on cocky-damage, others operate just equally a 'friendly listening ear' – something many immature people take said they value, particularly when they experience they have no-i else that they can turn to. Again, it's important that information well-nigh reputable phone lines is widely bachelor to young people. Helpful phone numbers include:

- ChildLine – 0800 1111

- Samaritans – 08457 ninety xc 90

- Family Lives – 0808 800 2222

- Young Minds – 0808 802 5544

- Become Connected – 0808 808 4994


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Source: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/truth-about-self-harm

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